Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Standard - WBG - Repository

Deck Rating (at time of initial publication):
"Fast, consistent, and possibly adaptable for modern play."

      What This Deck Does
  • Ramps off of two sets of mana dorks, Farseek, and the star of the show: Druids' Repository. For a total of 4 primary sources. 
  • Plays one of 3 large bombs extremely early and fairly consistently.

     Features Worth Noting
  • Often times when Druids' Repository is out early in the game, it allows you to cast another spell on turn 3 (usually playing Farseek or Gather the Townsfolk)--both of which allow you to ramp considerably more efficiently than other decks in standard.
  • Can win as early as turn 4 without drawing Druids' Repository.
  • Is surprisingly more resilient to board wipes than it would appear to be (although that will almost certainly change if, and when, a new low-costed red board wipe is printed for standard)

     Deck List
Creature - 16
4 x Arbor Elf
3 x Thragtusk

Enchantment - 7

Sorcery - 11
4 x Farseek
Land - 24
8 x Forest
2 x Isolated Chapel
4 x Overgrown Tomb
2 x Plains
2 x Sunpetal Grove
4 x Temple Garden
2 x Woodland Cemetery

Planeswalker - 2
2 x Garruk, Primal Hunter

     What A Good Hand Might Look Like (w/o interference)

  • Turn 1: Land > Mana Dork
  • Turn 2: Land > Mana Dork > Gather the Townsfolk
  • Turn 3: Land > Druids' Repository > Swing with 3 creatures for 3 counters on Druids' Repository > Lingering Souls/Gather the Townsfolk/Mana Dork
  • Turn 4: Land >  Your choice of bomb, victory this turn or the next one depending on which bomb.
     Different Hand
  • Turn 1: Land > Mana Dork
  • Turn 2: Land > Mana Dork > Mana Dork > Mana Dork
  • Turn 3: Land > Gather the Townsfolk/Lingering Souls + Flashback
  • Turn 4: Land > Your choice of bomb, victory this turn or the next one depending on which bomb.
     Slow Hand
  • Turn 1: Land > Mana Dork
  • Turn 2: Land > Lingering Souls / Gather the Townsfolk
  • Turn 3: Land > Farseek > Gather the Townsfolk/Farseek
  • Turn 4: Land > Anything you can play
  • Turn 5: Land > Thragtusk or Collective Blessing
  • Turn 6: Your choice of bomb, victory this turn or the next one depending on which bomb.
     Of course all of these hands are being played without interference and a typical game won't go over quite so smoothly.

     An even slower hand might include additional bombs or Thragtusks that will further delay you.  Garruk, Primal Hunter can really help you catch up in a particularly slow game.

     Match Ups Worth Noting

     This deck typically outruns other aggro decks of the format, however red and white decks can slow you down with an early burn or an O-ring to druids' repository. Also with white decks, it's possible you'll have to sacrifice more creatures early game than to other colors.
     Against heavy board control you may end up relying on your Garruk, Primal Hunter. I find it is a wise choice to have 2 additional Garruks in the sideboard.
     Boardwipe control via Supreme Verdict, Terminus, or any red board wipe may slow you down considerably, but it typically still loses.
     This deck has not been consistently tested against turbo fog, which I still believe to be a threat.
     Life gain decks typically do not gain enough life to stop this deck.
     Token decks that rely on anthems are typically too slow to match this deck.
     Reanimator decks are usually too slow, however it can be a toss-up.
     Jund midrange decks are almost always consistently too slow--this may change if they begin to incorporate more hand control. This deck could have a problem against atypical discard effects.
     This deck outruns any form of enchantment shenanigan deck, with exception to a god hand from a certain bant variety.
     Counterspells are currently the biggest threat to this deck. Although not every bomb is a creature, a well placed essence scatter or dissipate can cause you to lose a game. This is more likely to be relevant games 2 and 3.

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